The applications belonging to the Microsoft Office Suite commonly save certain personal information in each and every document or file they create - this information is known as "metadata". It may include your name, initials, the name of your company, the name of your PC, and even the contents of hidden cells. Document Metadata Cleaner allows you to detect that information on your documents and clean it, keeping your sensitive data safe.
The program includes a totally plain and easy-to-use interface, free from any incomprehensible elements. It does not offer a help system, though you will hardly need it, as the program is very intuitive. It can work in two modes - Analyze and Clean. The "Analyze mode", on one hand, presents you with a report of the metadata found on every file stored in a specific location, and gives you the possibility to decide if you really want to clear it or not. The "Clean mode", on the other hand, clears that information directly in case you are completely sure about it, saving you time.
Both methods let you choose the type of documents to analyze (Word, Excel, and/or PowerPoint), select a single document for analysis, or a folder, which will analyze all the MS Office documents inside it and, optionally, its subfolders. The "Clean mode", in addition, allows you to select for cleaning a specific set of documents within a folder. Finally, you are allowed to select the fields to clean, and to provide two customized texts for the program to replace the author and the company name. At this point in time, you can launch the cleaning process, and thus keep your personal information secure.